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FAITH: Welcome to William Brandes Consulting Blog

Note! I pop-up on Twitter alot to bring up stuff that is on my mind no matter the topic. So, don't forget to check it out! It is my Twitter roll, so you don't need to be logged into Twitter or need an account. The skinny!

March 23, 2022. Good Preaching Requires Good Audio

: My wife, (Rev) Pam Easterday, is ordained in the United Church of Christ. Check out her website at

Pastoral supply to area churches? One is for Sandusky Presbyterian. Sunday, September 3, 2017 Sermon. LISTEN/Download. Or, listen with the below player!

This audio is an edit of the CD (complete worship service) provided by the church. The service, included a string-quartet. In the edit (reading and sermon) this music was used as background for the reading. I use the audio editor Audacity which is fully accessible. Enjoy!

January 19, 2022. It's The Same in Politics and Church

: Another good read from Tony. There's an old saw in pastoral ministry that goes, "Don't get too far out in front of the people or they will think you are the enemy and shoot you." It's a mistake I made more than once. It's an easy mistake to make. You confuse the eagerness of the most change-oriented faction in a congregation with where everyone is at.

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